How To Stay Attractive – Fall 2017 Fashion Must-Haves for Women Over 50

Did you know that the number one thing women fear most about aging is losing attractiveness and becoming invisible?

Girlfriend!  No more muumuus or ugly grandma sweaters for you this Fall!

My mission is to help you reclaim your radiance and relevance – no matter how many wrinkles, rolls or regrets you have!

Let’s get you looking and feeling fantastic and stylish with these 4  Fall MUST-HAVES:


  1. Skip the orthopedic granny shoes.  Find a pair of comfortable boots/booties that match the color of your hair.


2. Know your color palette.  Do yourself a favor and figure out which colors you can wear and which to avoid.

Find a fashion scarf in your ‘pop’ color to brighten your wardrobe and your face.


3.  Wear fitted clothing.  Baggy clothes can make you look a bit on the heavier side.

Find a lightweight jacket or sweater that fits you right and accentuates your natural curves.


4.  Choose the right pair of jeans. Find a pair of great fitting  jeans that fit your lifestyle, budget & figure.

Shop at stores for mature women.

The goal is to look modern, elegant and chic – not Forever 21.

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I believe our image is linked to our self-esteem and confidence and I want you to look and feel fabulous without any moments of fashion or beauty embarrassment.

If you want more information about that…

…I INVITE YOU to join me on this journey down Midlife Lane -where everything changes!  Our looks, our bodies, our self-esteem and our attitude.

Here’s how to get your hands on the FREE Guide:

You Will Discover:

How to Refashion, Improve and Update

so you can face the years ahead with style and confidence;

reflect ageless beauty and health;

and leave a remarkable lasting impression.

(CLICK on the Heels and you will be one step closer to looking fabulous after 40!)

I’d LOVE to hear from you!

P.S. I INVITE YOU to stay connected with me, so we can build a friendship and celebrate these beautiful middle years together with Style and CONFIDENCE!

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