How To Avoid Autopilot And Live A Fascinating Life – Struggles of a Solopreneur

Are you selling yourself short and living your life on autopilot?

Every day we choose how we live our lives, whether we’re conscious of it or not.  And choosing to live a fascinating life doesn’t have to be complicated.

The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

John Maxwell said, you will never change your life until you change something you do daily.

Have control of how your day starts and ends.  Have a routine for both.


Start with your goals in mind and design your behaviors and routines accordingly.


I was inspired by The Miracle Morning and my morning routine starts at 6 am.  It includes the six principles stated in the book. (S.A.V.E.R.S.)

Silence(meditation), Affirmations, Visualization(vision board), Exercise, Reading and Scribing (writing in journal).

I recommend you create a routine that is styled unique to you.


I was inspired by The Compound Effect and my evening routine consists of reading at least ten pages of an inspiration book before going to sleep.  Evidently, the mind continues to process the last information consumed before bedtime, so I want to focus my attention on something constructive and helpful in making progress with my goals and ambitions.

Every so often interrupt your routines.  Otherwise, life gets stale and autopilot takes over.  Look at your routines.  If something that used to energize you has become same-old/same-old, or is no longer generating powerful results, switch it up.

It’s difficult to predict what will show up in the middle of your workday, but you can always control how your day starts and ends.

*For solopreneurs, having a starting and ending time for your business day will give you greater life balance, help with focus, and allow for personal time, so you don’t feel like you are working all the time.


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PS – Do you feel uncertain about the way you look?  Are you going through the motions and calling it living?  Does fear keep you from taking chances and living a more authentic life? If you answered YES to any of those questions, The Fashionating Life Formula:  How to Build Your Self Confidence is a book for you.  Discover how to identify and develop your personal image, build your self confidence and your bank account.

PSS – If you want to grow your business and learn 5 Ways to STAND OUT and be OUTSTANDING at Networking, SIGN UP for the FREE ebook. 

Source:  The Miracle Morning, The Compound Effect

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How to Make Your Brand Stand Out From The Competition – Struggles of a Solopreneur

How can you make your brand stand out?

One of the biggest challenge facing solopreneurs is consistency.

They begin a blog, social media presence, e-newsletter, or networking membership and are active for a few weeks or months but then disappear when life gets in the way.

Can you relate?  

I’ve done every one of those things!   And the truth is…

Results only happen when you’re consistent.  

Consistency shows others that we’re dependable, credible, and serious in our intentions.


We don’t have to do ALL of those things.  Just pick ONE and stick to it.


Quote by Robert Kiyosaki:


Follow. One. Course. Until. Successful.


STAND OUT by being consistent, because most people aren’t.


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Please COMMENT below if you’ve had a WIN with consistency.  I love success stories!

PS – If you want to CONNECT with us and join our community of women entrepreneurs who make their brand stand out from the competition, please SIGN UP here.







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Recipe for Success! Banana Coconut Smoothie – Struggles of a Solopreneur

You’re going to Go Bananas when you make this smoothie!

Struggle – As a solopreneur everything is on your shoulders.  It’s easy to skip taking care of your biggest asset – yourself!

Did you know that Bananas are so good for you, giving you pure energy, and they are best frozen in smoothies?


Bananas are Brain Food.  Bananas enhance brain function.  

Here is my Soloprenuer Smoothie Recipe:

“Key Ingredient is Frozen Bananas

(To freeze, simply peel the banana before you freeze it, cut it up, and put it in a Ziploc bag for several hours)



Frozen banana chunks (Boosts energy, helps improve digestive health, boosts your mood, good source of brain, skin and bone health)


*Organic Coconut Oil – (Improves memory and brain function, improves energy and endurance, improves digestion and proven alzheimer’s disease natural treatment)

Protein Powder (your choice)



Throw all of the ingredients into your blender and blast on high for 30-60 seconds.


A Note from Nancy:  Eating fruit and healthy fats is really important and this epic banana coconut smoothie is a great way to incorporate them into your diet.  Take care of yourself so you can be as productive and prosperous as possible!  Now, put your lipstick on and hustle!

PS – Use coconut oil to remove eye makeup.  It conditions your lashes and promotes growth.



Please leave a COMMENT below and tag a picture #thelipstickmethod on Instagram (or any other social media)


NANCY JOSEPH is on a mission to provide you with the highest quality fashion & beauty tips and support you with your home-based business.

Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible.” – Maxwell Maltz



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What is Shiny Object Syndrome? (and is there a cure?)

What is “Shiny Object Syndrome”?  S.O.S. is the tendency for someone to get distracted by new thoughts and ideas, their own and others, and never focus or complete anything!

In effect, the solopreneur is in such a state of constant distraction that they continually lose themselves in imagination & dreaming, instead of seeing the bigger picture and getting things done.

S.O.S. will commonly result in procrastination even chronic procrastination and a constant sense of unease and dissatisfaction at not being able to move forward.

S.O.S. results in one or more unfinished projects that often times, they would be better off focusing on to actually make real progress.  This is probably one of the toughest challenges any new solopreneur has to overcome.

Here’s your Prescription!


Follow. One. Course. Until. Successful.

Concentrate your effort and energy on what’s important.  YOU BECOME EFFECTIVE BY BEING SELECTIVE.

If you want your life to have impact, FOCUS IT!!!

As solopreneurs we need an incredible amount of discipline and focus to stay on course, because it’s easy to wander.  The challenge is to remain focused and disciplined in a solopreneur world.  


PS – Proof that S.O.S. is real, while creating this post – I was distracted and had a thought about lipstick…  Did you know that the average woman consumes 6 lbs of lipstick in a lifetime?  Allow me to offer you a Beauty Tip so you will be the shiny object that others are attracted to.

Lipstick Tip:  Light colors with “shimmer” or “shine” enhance thin lips best.

Was this helpful?  I challenge you to stay on path.  I would like to hear from you – Please COMMENT below and SHARE your experiences so we can all stick together and support each other with S.O.S.



“The Image Consultant for Entrepreneurs”






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