How to Look Your Best on Video

Are you hesitating to get on facebook LIVE and do video presentations because you don’t like the way you look?

Are you nervous about the extra 10 pounds the camera adds, and so you’re waiting until you lose weight?

Do you think your hair & makeup need to be professionally done?

Or maybe you’ve bought into that whole “It shouldn’t matter what I look like – people should like me for me, not because of how I look” trend?

And you’re right.

You absolutely do not have to take extra care to present your “best self” UNLESS….

You want to Stand Out,

Be Memorable and

Be the go-to Expert!

The truth is:

How you look and what you wear has a big impact on how you will be perceived by your viewing audience.

In other words, Your Personal Appearance matters!

Here’s the GOOD NEWS, Your style is perfect for you.

You want your viewers to spend more time looking at your face (and hearing your message) than staring at or being distracted by your clothes in your video presentations.

Taking extra care to present your “best self” ensures that the way you “look” meets the expectations of your target audience and builds your credibility.

Here are Three Vital Tips to help you dress for success in your video presentations.

  1. Your Makeup.  Your makeup application needs to be applied “heavier” than you would normally use in daily life.  (The camera & lights can really diminish or wash out your features, so it’s vital to have the most expressive features on your face defined and framed properly).
  2. Your Hair.  Have a good hair day!  If your hair is flat or frizzy it can affect your performance.
  3. Your Clothes.  Wear comfortable clothes and what you feel you look the best in.  If you are comfortable then you will be confident.


The camera doesn’t like black or white patterns.  Solid colors look best and highlight your figure. (Make sure you’re wearing the right hue – complementing your skin tone).  Yes, the camera can add pounds and certain cuts are better for your figure.

NOW you can get on video anytime, anywhere and Never Be Nervous Again!

Was this helpful?

NOW is the time for you to stop hiding and overcome your fear and deliver dynamic video presentations!

Your clients are LOOKING for you!!!

PS If you want more information like this, feel free to private message me.  I have a lot more tips that have helped me build my Signature Look, and may help you, too.

CLICK HERE to Private Message Me.

Make it a beautiful day!





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How To Layer Clothes for Fall: Avoid Looking Like a Bag Lady

When the temperature drops, it’s all about pumpkin spice and layering.

Layering your clothing is a tried and true way to maximize your comfort in the outdoors.

Layering is a technique.


“There is a fine line between layering and looking like the homeless woman who is wearing everything she owns!” (The Fashionating Life Formula: How to Build Your Self-Confidence)

The Biggest Mistake I see women making when they layer their clothes is looking bigger than they really are.

Here is the Secret to Layering:

Pick items that are varying lengths.

When your clothes are all the same length, they are going to look too puffy.

A jacket, sweater & shirt that are all different lengths will help you avoid this and create a much slimmer style.

Tell me… is your appearance important to you?  Are you projecting the look you want or are your clothes boring with no real sense of style?

Finally, How many times have you said “No” to an activity or social event due to low confidence?

If you want to be more confident but don’t know how, I have a book for you.


The Fashionating Life Formula:  How to Build Your Self-Confidence.

In these pages you’ll discover:

  • How to identify and develop your personal image
  • How to take care of your skin and put your best face forward
  • How to get healthy and increase your happy factor
  • Why your image impacts your income, your outcome and your overall happines
  • How to build your wardrobe and your bank account

If you want to be more confident but don’t know how, this book is for you.

(Available on Amazon for $14.95)


FOR A LIMITED TIME – Get an Autographed Copy and Start Your Transformation for ONLY $12 (includes shipping – U.S. only)


A recent study states that 73% of women shopped for clothes at least every few months;

and 96% believed that what they wear affects how confident they feel.


“Personally and professionally I was in a slump.

 Life just went on… since going through Nancy’s program, I have increased my self-esteem and confidence…

Nancy truly has made my life better” – KELLY

P.S – You deserve to look good and feel good everyday!  Get your autographed copy TODAY!

Source:, WikiHow/layer-clothes







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