How to Make Your Brand Stand Out From The Competition – Struggles of a Solopreneur

How can you make your brand stand out?

One of the biggest challenge facing solopreneurs is consistency.

They begin a blog, social media presence, e-newsletter, or networking membership and are active for a few weeks or months but then disappear when life gets in the way.

Can you relate?  

I’ve done every one of those things!   And the truth is…

Results only happen when you’re consistent.  

Consistency shows others that we’re dependable, credible, and serious in our intentions.


We don’t have to do ALL of those things.  Just pick ONE and stick to it.


Quote by Robert Kiyosaki:


Follow. One. Course. Until. Successful.


STAND OUT by being consistent, because most people aren’t.


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Please COMMENT below if you’ve had a WIN with consistency.  I love success stories!

PS – If you want to CONNECT with us and join our community of women entrepreneurs who make their brand stand out from the competition, please SIGN UP here.







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What is Shiny Object Syndrome? (and is there a cure?)

What is “Shiny Object Syndrome”?  S.O.S. is the tendency for someone to get distracted by new thoughts and ideas, their own and others, and never focus or complete anything!

In effect, the solopreneur is in such a state of constant distraction that they continually lose themselves in imagination & dreaming, instead of seeing the bigger picture and getting things done.

S.O.S. will commonly result in procrastination even chronic procrastination and a constant sense of unease and dissatisfaction at not being able to move forward.

S.O.S. results in one or more unfinished projects that often times, they would be better off focusing on to actually make real progress.  This is probably one of the toughest challenges any new solopreneur has to overcome.

Here’s your Prescription!


Follow. One. Course. Until. Successful.

Concentrate your effort and energy on what’s important.  YOU BECOME EFFECTIVE BY BEING SELECTIVE.

If you want your life to have impact, FOCUS IT!!!

As solopreneurs we need an incredible amount of discipline and focus to stay on course, because it’s easy to wander.  The challenge is to remain focused and disciplined in a solopreneur world.  


PS – Proof that S.O.S. is real, while creating this post – I was distracted and had a thought about lipstick…  Did you know that the average woman consumes 6 lbs of lipstick in a lifetime?  Allow me to offer you a Beauty Tip so you will be the shiny object that others are attracted to.

Lipstick Tip:  Light colors with “shimmer” or “shine” enhance thin lips best.

Was this helpful?  I challenge you to stay on path.  I would like to hear from you – Please COMMENT below and SHARE your experiences so we can all stick together and support each other with S.O.S.



“The Image Consultant for Entrepreneurs”






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