Tips for Creating Good First Impressions

JUST LIKE TATTOOS – The impression you leave on someone is permanent.

Hey Lipstick Boss!

Your clothes are responsible for 55 percent of the first impression that you make on someone.

Your makeup, your hair style, and your accessories, all make a statement that will or will not help to put you in a position to influence someone.

Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action. . .

FIRST, take complete control over every detail of your personal appearance and style.

Resolve to look like a powerful, influential Lipstick Boss in all your business activities.

SECOND, study fashion and proper dress so you know exactly what to wear and in what combination.   Read a book, take a seminar or even hire an image consultant.

Small changes in your appearance can change your life. . .

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2015 My daughter’s 22nd Birthday. 

She got a tribute tattoo. 

That’s my handwriting.


PS – If you haven’t joined the LIPSTICK BOSSES facebook group yet … what are you waiting for?

Topics include: branding, marketing, social media, body image, personal development and more!


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