What Colors Look Best on Me? A Color Guide for Entrepreneurs

Hey BOSS! Are you confused about what colors look best on you? Get ready to dive into a color-filled adventure with Lipstick Boss Beauty. You’re about to discover your personal color palette (Color Code) and find the perfect lipstick shade to add a pop of joy to your day. Get ready to brighten your look, boost your mood and embrace the radiant entrepreneur God fashioned you to be!

But here’s the thing – it’s not just about getting dressed, slapping on some lipstick and calling it a day. Oh no! It’s about embracing your God-given unique beauty, celebrating what makes you, well, YOU, and showing up authentically in every aspect of your life and business.

The Power of Color: A Divine Palette

In the same way that God created a diverse and beautiful world, He also created each of us with our own unique palette of colors. Just as we wouldn’t expect a sunset to be painted in dull tones, we shouldn’t settle for wearing colors that don’t complement our natural beauty. By embracing our individual color palettes, we can use the power of color to enhance our appearance and boost our confidence.

The Battle of Self-Doubt and Comparison

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt and comparison, especially in today’s social media-driven world. We scroll through perfectly curated feeds, comparing ourselves to others and questioning our own worth and abilities. But the truth is, comparison is the thief of joy, and self doubt only holds us back from realizing our full potential. No more hiding in your house, ok?

Embracing Your Unique Beauty

Instead of seeking validation from others or comparing ourselves to unrealistic standards, we must learn to embrace our unique beauty and worth. Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made, with our own set of talents, gifts, and yes, even imperfections. It’s our unique qualities that make us shine bright in a world that desperately needs our light.

Keep reading to learn your best colors and get your business going, glowing and growing!

Discover Your Color Code: Unleash Your Unique Beauty

How many times has someone asked you, “Are you tired?” or “Are you not feeling well?” and yet, you were perfectly fine? Chances are, you were wearing the wrong color.

When you’re wearing your best colors, there is a balance and harmony between your natural color and the colors you are wearing. Your skin, hair and eyes will seem fresher and brighter. Your skin will appear more clear and healthier, and because of how others will react to you, you will feel more confident.

Do you remember in the 80’s, a popular color system using the four seasons?

There were ladies running all around town with “swatches” in their purses in pursuit of the perfect blouse to make their eyes sparkle and their skin look radiant!

Were you one of them? I was.

We’re no longer using the same cell phones we had five years ago; Apps are no longer just light appetizers at a restaurant and Clouds are holding more than rain these days. Things change.

Color Analysis has also changed. The season-style coloring system got complicated – going from four seasons to 16. It’s time for you to learn a new way of looking at color, as well as a new way of looking at you. We’ve cracked the code!

Welcome to the Color Code system – the ultimate guide to unlocking your inner glow and boosting your confidence sky-high. Developed by the fabulous Shari Braendel in 2007, this system is all about embracing your dominant color characteristics and finding the perfect contrast level for you. Sounds fancy, right?

Here’s the lowdown: just take a peek at your hair, eyes, and skin, and voila – you’ll discover your Color Code in no time.

Back in 2014, after running away from home for five days at 50 years old, I had the amazing opportunity to train with none other than Shari Braendel herself as a Christian Image Consulant and Color Expert. Discovering my Color Code transformed the way I see myself and empowered me to show up confidently in my business and life. So, trust me when I say, this Color Code stuff is the real deal – it’s all about helping you shine your brightest and feel your best. Let’s dive in together and then I’ll introduce you to your secret weapon!

Pictured: Top Left WARM, Top Middle CLEAR, Top right LIGHT, Bottom Left COOL, Bottom Middle SOFT, Bottom Right DEEP

Who looks most like YOU?

Discover Your Color Code™

There are six Color Code™ categories: Light, Deep, Soft, Clear, Warm and Cool.

Read each description as it pertains to your coloring and see where you belong.

LIGHT – Naturally blonde hair or white hair. Fair skin tone. Light to medium eye color

DEEP – Medium to dark brown hair or black hair. Medium to dark skin tone. Hazel, brown, or black eyes

SOFT – Light to medium brown hair, sometimes described as mousy or dishwater blonde. Light to medium skin tone. Medium intensity eye color, like hazel, brown, blue or green

CLEAR – Dark medium brown to black hair. Very fair to light or medium skin tone. Bright eye color (green, blue, or hazel) or dark brown

WARM – Red hair or golden blonde or brown hair with reddish highlights. Any skin tone, sometimes with freckles. Green, blue, brown or hazel eyes

COOL – Silver, gray, or ash brown hair. Light to deep skin tone, most often with pink undertone (not always). Blue, green, hazel or brown eyes

You may see yourself in a couple different categories. Helpful Hint: Your hair color is the key.

When you know for certain into which category you belong, then read on to get more detailed information.

Basically, everybody can wear every color (there are a few exceptions) it’s all about the intensity of the color.

A Color Guide: Your Best Colors

Are you ready to dive into the world of hues that perfectly complement your unique beauty? Each Color Code is like a tailor-made palette, ensuring every shade you wear brings out your radiance. Staying within your color spectrum isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling confident and harmonized in every outfit.

As an entrepreneur, your image speakes volumes, and sticking to your color palette guarantees a fresh, cohesive look that reflects your natural beauty and personal brand. Why not snap a quick screenshot of the swatches of your unique Color Code below? It’s like having your own personal stylist in your pocket – for shopping adventures, making outfit magic, and crafting your personal brand!

LIGHT – Wear pale to medium hues. Stay away from very dark or too bright colors; bold makeup is not for you.

DEEP – Wear medium to deep shades, some brights. Stay away from muted colors for clothes, and coloring your hair too light.

SOFT – Wear medium hues. Stay away from black, black and black! Also, stay away from very bright colors and combinations of high contrast colors like black & white together.

CLEAR – Wear bright hues. Stay away from muted and dusty shades near your face; beware especially of wearing brown and beige together.

WARM – Wear hues with a yellow undertone, autumn-like shades. Stay away from pink, pink & pink!

COOL – Wear light to medium, but always with a blue or pink undertone. Stay away from brown, beige, yellow and orange.

Introducing Lipstick Boss Duos: Your Secret Weapon

Enter the Lipstick Boss Duos – a fresh collection of lipsticks curated with you in mind. After months of brainstorming, swatching, and testing (with a lot of iced matcha latte breaks in between!), I’ve curated the perfect Lipstick Duos just for you. Each shade is carefully selected to complement specific Color Code characteristics, empowering you to radiate confidence and professionalism in every business encounter. Let’s explore each duo and its unique qualities:

CLEAR Confidence: Embrace your boldness with “Total Attitude,” a shimmery berry-pink shade paired with the matching lip pencil “Roseberry.” Perfect for the Clear Color Code, this duo exudes confidence and charisma, making a statement without saying a word. Lipstick Boss Duos

COOL Elegance: Elevate your sophistication with “Sophisticated Wine,” a pink wine lipstick paired with the lip pencil “Berry Pretty.” Ideal for the Cool Color Code, this duo exudes elegance and grace, perfect for making a lasting impression in any business setting. Lipstick Boss Duos

DEEP Empowerment: Step into your strength with “Berrylicious,” a bold Berry-Wine lipstick accompaniesd by the lip pencil “Berry Pretty.” Designed for the Deep Color Code, this duo empowers you to take risks and command attention with every word and action. Lipstick Boss Duo

LIGHT Radiance: Iluminate your presence with “Pink Lady,” a Peach-Pink lipstick paired with the lip pencil “Flesh.” Tailored for the Light Color Code, this duo imparts a fresh and youthful glow, ensuring you shine brightly in every endeavor. Lipstick Boss Duo

SOFT Grace: Embrace your gentle spirit with “Iced Tea,” a cool mauve-pink lipstick matched with the lip pencil “Malted Mauve.” Suited for the soft Color Code, this duo enhances your natural beauty with subtle elegance, leaving a lasting impression of grace and charm. Lipstick Boss Duos

WARM Glow: Radiate warmth and positivity with “Amaretto,” a light copper-nude lipstick accompanied by the Curry lip pencil. Perfect for the Warm Color Code, this duo infuses your look with a rich glow, inviting trust and connection in every interaction. Lipstick Boss Duos

Beauty as a Business Strategy

In a world where first impressions matter, the way we present ourselves can make a significant impact on our success in business and life. By embracing the power of beauty and wearing the right colors according to our Color Code, we can exude confidence, professionalism, and authenticity in every aspect of our entrepreneurial journey.

Remember, as entrepreneurs, our outward appearance is a reflection of the God-given gifts and talents within us. Let’s embrace our beauty, inside and out, and unleash our full potential to make a positive impact in the world.

With the Lipstick Boss Duos as your secret weapon, you’ll not only look the part but also feel empowered to conquer any challenge and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Here’s to embracing beauty, confidence, and success in business and beyond!

Embracing Your Confidence, Embracing Your Abundance

As Christian entrepreneurs, we are called to live life abundantly (See John 10:10), embracing our unique beauty and worth with confidence and grace. With the Lipstick Boss Duos as your daily reminder of your inherent worth and beauty, you’ll show up confidently in your business and life, knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Here’s to embracing our unique beauty, stepping boldly into our calling, and living life abundantly as the confident and empowered entrepreneurs we are meant to be. With God and lipstick, anything is possible.

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